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If you’re looking for a dental practice that thrives on dedication to children, pediatric excellence, and a focus on prevention, you’re in the right place. The staff and dentists at Stellar Kids Dentistry are committed to giving your child the best possible age-appropriate oral care.

All Stellar Kids Dentistry pediatric dentists at our Mukilteo, Everett, and Mill Creek dental clinics have years of training for working with children of all ages, from infants to adolescents. They take their time to make children feel comfortable before any procedure and are careful to respond to individual needs, using appropriate relaxation and sedation techniques.

Both Dr. Kahlon and Dr. Lamba have special-needs training and are experienced in working with children with autism and ADHD.

One other reason for making these dedicated dentists your child’s pediatric dentists is their focus on prevention. Their commitment to saving children’s natural teeth means less invasive procedures for your child and better chances for a harmonious natural development in later stages of life.

Dentist Kids personal-health


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Sunday Closed

Meet the Owner

Profle Picture Sonu Lamba, DDS Owner

I truly love welcoming new families to our pediatric practice. Stellar Kids Dentistry is a culmination of my passion for caring for children and my dream of starting my own dental office. My warm and nurturing way of caring for my patients is a reflection of being a mother of two young children. Being a mom is a wonderful daily challenge. Yet, the emotional rewards bless me time after time. I ... more

Read what people are talking about

03/31/2022, 4:14 pm

Their services are Stellar!!
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